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Internationally renowned authority on healthcare systems joins forces with Strasys

Award-winning strategy, analytics and innovations agency Strasys has formed a unique partnership with Professor Sir Muir Gray, a pioneer of UK Value-Based Healthcare and director of the Oxford Value & Stewardship Programme (OVSP), to launch the Strasys OVSP, which aims to deliver improved value in healthcare.

Strasys OVSP amalgamates Sir Muir’s academic knowledge and expertise in value-based healthcare with Strasys’ extensive knowledge capital, practical experience, and skills in executing evidence—and insight-driven strategies to address complex challenges and build sustainable healthcare systems that better meet the needs of the population.

For healthcare system CXOs and government ministers tasked with budget allocation, Strasys OVSP will provide the evidence base, tools, and capacity to develop the proficiency and capability to make tough decisions about productivity and resource allocation.

Prof Sir Muir Gray and Anant Jani with Dr Nadeem Moghal and Naeem Younis

Prof Sir Muir Gray, Director, OVSP, said, “I am genuinely thrilled about collaborating with Strasys. Our shared commitment underscores a steadfast dedication to improving value within healthcare. To grasp productivity, one must comprehend both value and waste, and the launch of our Strasys OVSP will provide the tools to understand how to consistently deliver high-quality care within available resources.”

Naeem Younis, Founder and CEO Strasys, added: “It is a real privilege to collaborate with an individual of such profound intellect and expertise as Sir Muir. He is an inspirational figure whose impact has positively influenced the Strasys methodology and approach. We share an unwavering commitment to helping healthcare leaders and systems to make the best use of resources to deliver value and unlock the productive potential to enable healthier and thriving communities.”

As the first person to hold the post of Chief Knowledge Officer of the NHS in England, Sir Muir was the co-director of the Department of Health’s Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Right Care Programme. His work on the quadruple value framework is inspirational, and he continues advising several countries’ governments.

Healthcare is complex and faces numerous challenges that cannot be addressed with traditional approaches. Strasys puts forward a different way of thinking to unlock and design a different future. At its core, there is a relentless focus on customer-centric systems and methodology Strasys calls’ Decision Intelligence’. By using strategy, analytics and scientific methods, most notably system dynamics, Strasys helps leaders improve decision-making, especially in complex areas such as interventions and resource allocation for workforce, productivity and innovation.

Strasys has developed a strong reputation for tackling complex issues through partnerships with healthcare systems, providers and governments worldwide. This was recently demonstrated by receiving the “Best Consultancy Partnership with the NHS” award. The HSJ judges highlighted the distinct, engaging, and impactful nature of the work, stating that it should be implemented throughout the NHS.

Bringing together two organisations deeply committed to fostering and implementing healthcare systems that deliver value will empower clients with the capacity and capability to expand, scale, and develop thriving communities.

Get in touch if you would like to see how Strasys OVSP can accelerate the delivery of value in your healthcare system today.

In conversation with Prof Sir Muir Gray and Dr Nadeem Moghal on the topic of value in healthcare.

Webinar featuring Sir Muir Gray: Unlocking value in healthcare and reimagining productivity through new perspectives – Moving the conversation from cost reduction to improving value.

Notes to Editors


Strasys is a leading analytics and innovation agency founded in 2015. It partners with healthcare organisations, systems, and governments across the UK and internationally to build healthier and thriving communities.

At Strasys, we put forward a different way of thinking to unlock and design a different future through a unique combination of advanced analytics, AI, scientific rigour and personal empowerment.​

With a richness of skills and expertise spanning over three decades, Strasys moves health and care system thinking away from compliance and process management to customer experience management and become learning organisations.

Our mission is to enable leaders to innovate and make informed decisions to place the right people in the right places to do the right jobs with the right resources, services, and capabilities, resulting in a healthier future for all.

ABOUT OVSP (Oxford Value & Stewardship Programme)
OVSP supports health systems to achieve the best possible outcomes for individuals and populations while optimising resource utilisation.

OVSP delivers mentorship and training for professionals and organisations on developing value-based healthcare, designing and implementing population-based systems of care, reducing backlogs, improving workforce morale and tackling toxic healthcare culture.

Recognised globally for its pioneering work, OVSP works with global leaders to help them improve their healthcare systems.  Some of its clients include: